Menominee County UW-Extension

UW Extension
Menominee County/Nation
P.O. Box 1179
Keshena, WI 54135

Welcome to the Menominee County/Nation University of Wisconsin Extension!

The coterminous boundary of Menominee County/Reservation delineates 235,000 acres total, 233,000 of these acres in trust status. 217,000 acres are in commercially forested lands – the majority of which is under sustainable forestry management practices. It is home to four unincorporated rural communities, to include Native Americans and non-native residents who live on fee land.

Flowing wildly through Menominee land, the Wolf River is known for its waterfalls and pristine waters. Lakes and wetlands are integral to the landscape. Menominee is rich with the Native tradition of respect for the land.

Visitors are always welcome.



With an office in each Wisconsin county, Cooperative Extension develops practical educational programs tailored to local needs and based on university knowledge and research.

County-based Extension educators are University of Wisconsin faculty and staff who are experts in agriculture and agribusiness, community and economic development, natural resources, family living and youth development.

Extension county-based faculty and staff live and work with the people they serve in communities across the state. Extension specialists work on UW System campuses where they access current research and knowledge. Collaboration between county and campus faculty is the hallmark of Cooperative Extension in Wisconsin.


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